Deerpath Farm began as the treasured retreat of city planner Edward H. Bennett. Today, the Deerpath Farm conservation community is the most beautiful place in the greater Chicago area to build a house on a fully improved lot.

Frequently asked questions

What’s Deerpath Farm? What’s a conservation community? How big are the homesites? Can we use our own architect & builder? …. more



Deerpath Farm began in 1922 as a Lake Forest family’s dairy farm and countryside retreat. In the late 1930′s it was purchased by Edward H. Bennett, the co-author of the 1909 Plan of Chicago. … more


Deerpath Farm has been featured in various magazines and news articles. … more


DPFlogo64Deerpath Farm’s distinctive logo is based on the original 1930’s iron sign created by master blacksmith Ernst Hagerstrom. … more

Lots For Sale

Deerpath Farm offers the most beautiful homebuilding lots in the entire Chicago area. Each conservation homesite is fully-improved and ready to built, and includes access to 140 acres of open lands owned by the Deerpath Farm Homeowner’s Association. … more

Responsible Development

Plan_Flaticon_18268Deerpath Farm represents the next wave of thinking about residential development: a mutually beneficial relationship between the land, architecture and people … more


HandLeaf_Flaticon_25166Deerpath Farm benefits from a strong development and advisory team led by architect Frederick Phillips … more

Our Process

HandLeaf_Flaticon_25166Deerpath Farm benefits from a strong development and advisory team led by architect Frederick Phillips … more


CovenantsOfficial documents, plus maps and brochures.